10 Shocking Tips to Quit Porn Addiction on Reddit – #7 Will Blow Your Mind!

Are you struggling with porn addiction? You’re not alone. Millions of people are addicted to porn, and it’s a tough habit to break. The good news is that there are effective ways to quit porn addiction. In this article, we’ll share 10 shocking tips to help you overcome your addiction and take control of your life. Tip #7 will blow your mind! Keep reading to discover how you can finally break free from the grip of porn addiction and regain your happiness and well-being.


Porn addiction is a growing problem in today’s society, with an increasing number of people struggling to overcome it. The internet has made porn easily accessible, and this has led to a rise in addiction cases. One place that has become a hub for people looking to quit porn addiction is Reddit. Reddit is an online platform where users can share and discuss information on various topics, including porn addiction. In this article, we will look at ten shocking tips to quit porn addiction on Reddit, with #7 being the one that will blow your mind.

1. Acknowledge the Problem

The first step to quitting porn addiction is acknowledging that you have a problem. Many people deny that they are addicted to porn, and this can hinder their progress towards recovery. Acknowledging the problem can be a difficult step, but it is necessary to move forward.

2. Identify Your Triggers

Identifying your triggers is crucial in quitting porn addiction. Triggers can be anything that sets off the urge to watch porn, such as stress, boredom, or loneliness. Once you identify your triggers, you can take steps to avoid or minimize them.

3. Find Support

Quitting porn addiction can be a lonely journey, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many support groups and communities on Reddit where you can find people going through the same struggles as you. These groups can provide you with the motivation and encouragement you need to stay on track.

4. Replace Porn with Something Else

One of the most effective ways to quit porn addiction is to replace it with something else. This can be anything that makes you feel good, such as exercise, reading, or spending time with friends. Find an activity that you enjoy and make it a part of your daily routine.

5. Use Filters and Blockers

Using filters and blockers can help you avoid pornographic content online. There are many software programs and apps that you can use to block porn sites and content. This can be a helpful tool in your journey towards recovery.

6. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice that involves being present in the moment and focusing on your thoughts and feelings. Practicing mindfulness can help you become more aware of your urges and cravings and can help you resist them. There are many mindfulness techniques that you can learn and practice to help you quit porn addiction.

7. Try Cold Showers

This is the tip that will blow your mind. Taking cold showers has been found to be effective in reducing the urge to watch porn. Cold showers can help you become more alert and focused, and can also increase your willpower. Give it a try and see if it works for you.

8. Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is important in quitting porn addiction. Make sure your goals are achievable and don’t set yourself up for failure. Start with small goals and work your way up to bigger ones.

9. Be Kind to Yourself

Quitting porn addiction can be a challenging journey, and it’s important to be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you relapse or slip up. Remember that recovery is a process, and it takes time. Be patient and kind to yourself.

10. Celebrate Your Successes

Finally, celebrate your successes along the way. Each small step towards recovery is a success, and it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate them. Treat yourself to something special or reward yourself for your progress.


In conclusion, quitting porn addiction is a challenging but achievable goal. With the right mindset, support, and tools, you can overcome this addiction and live a healthier, happier life. Remember to acknowledge the problem, identify your triggers, find support, replace porn with something else, use filters and blockers, practice mindfulness, try cold showers, set realistic goals, be kind to yourself, and celebrate your successes.
Additional Content:

Porn addiction is a serious problem that can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, or background. It is important to note that porn addiction is not a moral failing or a lack of willpower. It is a real addiction that can have negative consequences on a person’s mental health, relationships, and overall well-being.

If you are struggling with porn addiction, it is essential to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can provide you with the tools and support you need to overcome this addiction. They can also help you address any underlying issues that may be contributing to your addiction, such as anxiety, depression, or trauma.

In addition to seeking professional help, it is important to take care of your physical and emotional well-being. Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly can all help improve your mood and reduce your urges to watch porn. It is also important to practice self-care, such as taking a relaxing bath or spending time in nature, to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Remember that quitting porn addiction is a process, and it may take time to overcome. Be patient with yourself and don’t give up, even if you experience setbacks along the way. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem, and keep moving forward towards a healthier, happier life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is porn addiction?

Porn addiction is a condition where an individual is unable to control their use of pornographic material despite the negative consequences it has on their life. It can lead to social and emotional problems, as well as physical changes in the brain.

What are some signs of porn addiction?

Some signs of porn addiction include spending excessive amounts of time watching porn, a loss of interest in other activities, difficulty maintaining relationships, and feeling ashamed or guilty about watching porn.

How can I quit porn addiction?

There are many ways to quit porn addiction, including seeking therapy, joining support groups, and finding healthy outlets for sexual expression. It’s important to identify triggers and develop coping mechanisms to avoid relapse.

What is tip #7 in the 10 Shocking Tips to Quit Porn Addiction on Reddit?

Tip #7 suggests finding a hobby or activity that you enjoy and engaging in it when you feel the urge to watch porn. This can help redirect your attention and provide a healthy outlet for your energy.

Key Takeaways

  • Porn addiction is a condition where an individual is unable to control their use of pornographic material.
  • Signs of porn addiction include spending excessive amounts of time watching porn and feeling guilty or ashamed about it.
  • Ways to quit porn addiction include seeking therapy, joining support groups, and finding healthy outlets for sexual expression.
  • Tip #7 in the 10 Shocking Tips to Quit Porn Addiction on Reddit suggests finding a hobby or activity to redirect your attention when you feel the urge to watch porn.


Porn addiction is a serious issue that can have negative impacts on an individual’s life. It’s important to seek help and find healthy outlets for sexual expression. Tip #7 suggests finding a hobby or activity to redirect attention and is just one of the many ways to overcome porn addiction. Remember, it’s never too late to seek help and make positive changes in your life.

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